Non-Profit Icon A project dedicated to stopping unlawful practices by debt collection agencies.


DaisyDebt makes it easy for financial counselors and coaches to help their clients deal with their debt in collections with a suite of online tools.


What kinds of tools?

Customized Letter
Letter Sent
Letter Opened
Letter Reply

We provide a web application that helps financial counselors and coaches write and send debt verification letters with their clients. The letter takes less than 5 minutes to create. Our application mails the letter automatically via U.S. certified mail.

Because we use certified mail, financial counselors and their clients can track the letter to make sure it arrives at its destination. DaisyDebt sends automated emails to counselors and their clients to help them remain mutually accountable until the debt collection issue is resolved. We provide information and support to help counselors understand what next steps they should take with their clients.

Our dashboard enables counselors and coaches to easily track the letters they send and the outcomes they achieve.

What else?

We are working on other tools that will help financial counselors and lawyers serve their clients more easily, increasing their outcomes and helping them reach more people in need. If you are a financial or legal organization that helps it’s clients with consumer debt issues contact us to find out more.

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